We have been brain washed
with mantras of “Political Correctness” and “tolerance”, but true Christian
faith is not tolerant. We are not to tolerate false teaching, we are not to tolerate the ways of the world among us,
we are not to tolerate blatant, un-repented sin among us, we are not to
tolerate heresy, we are not to tolerate another gospel-another jesus-another
We are not the judges of
the world, which is God’s business; we are to judge them that say they are
brothers, who say they know Christ and yet everything they say and do works
against the Gospel and sound doctrine.
Our witness for Yeshua our Messiah is to be such that shows we are a new
Creation in Him, different and set apart.
In the world, not of it. Not “holier
than thou, for God hates that (Is 65:5) but we are to demonstrate His
righteousness in love and mercy, guarding our own hearts and the Little Flock,
lest we become deceived. We are not to
employ the toys of this world to reach out to the lost. In Torah, God commands us to destroy the
forms of idolatry of the Nations from among us; we are not to worship Him in
such a way. To be seeker sensitive in a
way that uses the familiarity of night clubs and rock concerts to attract people
is not of God; we are not converting them, they are converting us to a New Age
We have nothing to do
with those who say they are Christians and march openly protesting and hating
people in rebellion to God who are sinners. Nowhere does it say we are to do
that. We are to offer the hope of
salvation to them that desire to escape the penalty of sin, never condemning
or judging the lost. People who do such
things do violence to the true Gospel of Christ.
Come out from among
them, do not be a partaker of
those who hate and judge and cause His Name to be blasphemed every day; do not
be a partaker of those who preach and live a social gospel that requires no
repentance, no trust in Jesus Christ, no true knowledge of Him, no ongoing
relationship with Him, no growing faith and knowledge of the Word of God and
continual implementation of obedience to His Word as we discover more and more
what pleases Him.
It is time, not for a
new reformation, but to stand and defend the true Reformation;
instead of throwing off the old, we must ever move forward refining what has
been revealed and seeking to understand and live it in every generation, not
look for something new.
If church growth is
the goal, then the devil is helping immensely for he is only too happy to
infiltrate and puff up the numbers with goats among the sheep. When goats make it into the pulpits, flee…
Seek the Lord and ask for
a discerning heart, check out every word taught and preached. Don’t read the church statement of Beliefs
only, watch, listen and discern if what is being preached and lived out is the same. The devil is a liar and Jesus warned us about
the coming time of false prophets and false teachers…it is now here. They are no longer outside our walls; they
stand among us and preach to us. They
say they believe one thing, but preach another.
I continue to pray for us all…till He comes, Shalom Beloved.
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