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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just Call Me Protestant

I have been awakened to find myself in a place I never dreamed I would be.  Through my whole walk my heart cry to God has been for truth.  How did I end up here?  I was lifted out of the mire in 1994 and led out of the Roman Catholic Church by the Holy Spirit.  I had to decide where to go from there.  I didn’t think it would matter much since the “Protestants” had it right!  Right?  Well, I mean they figured out the error, they died in the flames and under the Executioners axe to defend the truth right?  Well that is what history says anyway…what happened? 

So, I just went with the flow, you know, the new revelation!  God is doing something new…Oh!  Did we exhaust the old and He didn’t want us to lose interest so God thought of a new plan?  Well, long story short, after many years of confusion as to why the Prophets were saying this…and the Bible said that…or there is a rapture, to there is no rapture…to the Kingdom is here!...without the King…I woke up back in the mire of Catholicism and didn’t know how I got here.

Faithful unto death" - Revelation 2:10

 See, I love the Reformation.  I love what Tyndale and Cranmer and Huss and Thomas Drowry (a blind boy) Hugh Latimer and countless others preached, defended and gave their lives for.  It made it possible for me to even know the truth.  Had they not succeeded we would all be Catholic, worshipping a false Christ who is just the devil in disguise. 

I bet most don’t know the few names I have listed, perhaps you know Tyndale, but he was more than a publishing company.  I would urge you to look up and read their stories.  It will challenge you and change you, unless you are already hardened.
Why did I feel like I was back in Catholicism?  Well Postmillennialism: (Also known as "Christian Reconstruction", "Kingdom Now Theology" and "Dominion Theology.") is not that different from Catholic Universalism or Amillienialism.  The idea that Christianity (or at least an elite group) will conquer the earth in the Name of Christ and set up the Kingdom and it will get better and better till Jesus just can’t stand to stay away any longer and then returns when all the work is done to just relax and dwell among His people.

When you must ignore or explain away clear scriptures that point to events that are not in the long distant future, but are all around us in order to uphold your utopian, Xanadu ideal, you are no less than deceived.  These are the scoffers who do not believe the words of the Lord about His return; these are they who have decided for themselves, like the Pharisees of Jesus day, that it would not be convenient for Christ to return before the 1000 year Kingdom reign.  After all, if the King isn’t here…we rule, right?  Oh, yes we will say we are doing it for Him and caring for His sheep and it is all His will…so did the Popes, so did the Inquisitors, so did the brutal Crusaders that butchered human beings in the name of Christ declaring it to be the will of God.

No, see the Bible says there are wise virgins and foolish ones.  All said they were waiting for Him.  But only five were prepared, only five really believed Him.  Before Jesus ascended, He instructed those who saw Him to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Holy Spirit.  They did not know how long they were to wait.  Now after He was raised from the dead over 500 had seen Him at once, only 120 were faithfully waiting on the day of Pentecost only ten days later.

It doesn’t matter how long we must wait.  Just as He promised He came as a baby after 4000 years…the Holy Spirit came after 10 days…I will wait because that is what patience means, to wait. It isn’t about being right; it is about looking for Him because He told us to.  

Yeshua promised He would come and told us the signs of His coming.  Signs and wonders and supernatural junk that is going on in the church is not what He told us, His signs are on a much bigger scale.  His signs are in the Sun and Moon and in the heavens, and on the earth below. You can deceive yourself if you like and say that it has all been the same since the beginning, they are just exploiting the news…but that would make you a scoffer!

Another contribution that has found a place in Dominion Theology, Kingdom Now ministries even mainline denominations is Contemplative Prayer or Centering Prayer, or “Breathe Prayers”. This revelation on how to reach God in a deeper and more profound way, becoming more spiritual is being attributed to the “Desert Fathers”.  They were Catholic monks who discovered what the Buddhists knew and the Hindu’s and all of the Eastern Spiritists knew.  It is the Devils religion. 

A more modern teacher of this method was Ignatius Loyola who discovered spiritual disciplines, or exercises to work his way to spirituality at the same time Martin Luther was discovering the gift of Grace through Jesus Christ.  Hmmm, there is something wrong here.  See Inigo Loyola was the founder of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits;  Made famous for their many contributions to espionage, torture, murder, treachery….having been expelled from 83 countries in the world, even Catholic ones. The Jesuits are still going strong today perpetrating what they do best, infiltration.  They have infiltrated the Church of Jesus Christ and under the guise of being Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical or even Protestant have introduced evil practices that destroy faith for experience.  These spiritual exercises lead you away from Christ, not to Him.  The Jesuits all practice these same techniques.  The fruit is all bad. Their goal and oath is to destroy Protestantism.

Oh yes, they are known for their charitable works and care for the poor.  Let’s talk about the Devil’s interest in the poor for a moment.  Many who claim they are liberal do so because they declare it is the only way to care for the poor.  Even though the rest of the agenda may have to do with defending immorality as the Bible defines it, or even the murder of innocents.  But as long as the poor are cared for the end justifies the means.

Remember Judas Iscariot, he made a big deal about wasting money that could have been given to the poor.  The Devil loves to play that card.  Jesus said he comes to steal, kill and destroy.  Judas was a thief and was upset that he missed out on a year’s wages he might have pilfered.  Yes, just because someone hides their evil and misdeeds behind philanthropy or good deeds, the fruit is still where we must look.

Ecumenism that leads to Universalism, tolerance where the Bible says there should be none.  Pastors who tell you “we don’t have to do everything the Bible says,” are blight among the sheep.  We have lost our first love, we have sold out for fame, money and power, we have imitated the ruling class of the Catholic empire claiming it is ordained by God; false prophets abound and no one holds their words up to the light of scripture; we mix works with grace, or grace that requires no faith but is license to produce every evil and feel justified; the church is dying and no one seems to notice; they are rushing head long over the precipice of eternity singing their mantras and declaring the latest rhema word that is outside the scope of Scripture. 

No, I want to be known as a Protestant, one who protests the spirit of the age, the spirit behind Catholicism, the spirit that imitates the Holy Spirit and is Hell bent on destroying God’s people.  I happen to think that sound doctrine is worth dying for, I only hope the grace and strength and courage that was found in the Reformers would be found in me. 
Michael Sattler died because he believed only people who were old enough to make a true confession of faith should be baptized, he rejected the tenants of Catholic faith and was tortured and burned.  A few days after his death, his wife was drowned in mockery calling it a third baptism.
William Tyndale was strangled and burnt for treason and heresy; he was the first to translate the New Testament into English.  Thanks Mr. Tyndale!

Hugh Latimer in September 1553 was arrested on charges of treason; taken to Oxford for trial, he was burned there with the Reformer Nicholas Ridley on October 16, 1555. At the stake Latimer immortalized himself by exhorting Ridley with the words: "...we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England as I trust shall never be put out."

I choose to take up the ember of his words and fan them into flame and as long as I have breathe, by the grace of God and His strength, will proclaim the truth and defend the Faith of Jesus Christ as it has been revealed in the Holy Scriptures so that the light will not be put out.
I exhort you all to reconsider your own fervor, and ask yourself if the Reformation matters to you, if not, please take a little time and look up some of the names I have referenced.  They are only a tiny sampling of the people wh0 have a martyrs crown.  Most were mothers and children, grandfathers and farmers.  People of no real consequence to anyone but God.  They thought His truth was everything…don’t let the light go out.

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