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Monday, May 28, 2012

Isa 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a horn, and declare unto My people their transgression, and to the house of Jacob their sins.

This is the first of a series of writings concerning apostasy in the Church.  I will attempt to address some very difficult issues and present a correct saving doctrine to clear up confusions that are running rampant.  I pray you will not judge this writing as not worth your time, but read it with a teachable heart.  I am a watchman defending the truth of the Gospel, please bear with me for a moment and read the whole article.

I write today with a heavy heart yet in the hope that I may be able to help some to turn back to Yahweh.  There is a flood that is spewed from the mouth of the serpent, in order to sweep away Yeshua’s Bride.  False prophets in great numbers have risen up among us; most have not been discerned by the multitudes.  These are wolves in sheep’s clothing, clouds without water… 2 Pt 2:17  Jude1:12.

They are the “eagles” who gather where the dead body is; real eagles do not gather…these call themselves “eagle prophets”, but they are vultures feeding off the deceived body in the church.  They promise a coming Kingdom of righteousness that THEY will implement.  They promise the church will conquer the seven mountains of influence in the world, can you not see, they have aligned themselves with Satan and they are leading you to destruction!  This is the kingdom of Mystery Babylon! There will be no Christian Kingdom without the physical and actual presence of Christ!  They lie and they know it.  There will never be a kingdom of righteousness until He who is the Only Begotten Son of the Living God, Yahweh comes bodily to earth!  They have misled you for one reason, to cause you to abandon the truth.  They subvert your faith and little by little instruct you in the ways of Satan; meditation, reiki, astral projection, dependence on angels, revelations that have no Biblical foundation, even mocking them that are like the Bereans who need to search the scriptures to know if a thing is true.  They may call these things by “Christianized” names, but the practice is the same New Age techniques the world is practicing. They have promised you the same lies Satan has been preaching for 6000 years…you can be god. First they must deny flesh, so they tell you Christ Jesus is not a man, He no longer needs to be human…so you can justify your becoming divine. 
We will never be divine!  We have been invited to partake, to share in the Holy Divine Nature of Christ to enable us to live in His righteousness, in His presence forever.  He has mingled Himself with the believer, but YOU are not GOD!  They tell you Christ will not return for a long time, that the church must be victorious and conquer the world…these are the words of ANTICHRIST that denies the clear teaching of the Word of God. 

Jer 14:14  Then the LORD said unto me: 'The prophets prophesy lies in My name; I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spoke I unto them; they prophesy unto you a lying vision, and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their own heart.  

Mic 3:11  The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.

The Lord calls the Jews this people, not his people. They had forsaken his service, therefore he would punish them according to their sins. He forbade Jeremiah to plead for them. The false prophets were the most criminal. The Lord pronounces condemnation on them; but as the people loved to have it so, they were not to escape judgments. False teachers encourage men to expect peace and salvation, without repentance, faith, conversion, and holiness of life. But those who believe a lie must not plead if for an excuse. They shall feel what they say they will not fear.

 The prophets in Jeremiahs day promised there would be no war, no famine, and no captivity.  When the true prophets spoke the Word of the Lord in direct contrast to the words of the false prophets, they were hated and ridiculed.  But the disaster did come and they were swept away because they did not believe Yahweh’s prophets.  The Lord in His mercy brought some out at the end of the captivity and restored them to the land having learned a terrible lesson.  However, today there is no more time left after this.  Judgment is coming first to the house of God.  The Northern Kingdom of Israel had set up false gods, golden calves in Dan and Bethel:  Judge the House of God!  You who follow after prophets and teaching that corrupt the Word of God, that tell you angels have delivered a “new revelation” that is OUTSIDE of scripture, you have received another gospel which is no gospel, and another jesus that is NOT the LORD JESUS CHRIST and another unclean spirit, not the Holy Spirit.  You have your own golden calves, lying signs and wonders, you exchange the Glory of God for cheap gold-dust and paste jewels and manufactured mists called the Glory…I doubt many would survive if the true Glory of God fell in a church.  Read Romans Chapter 1 and you will see today’s churches described in detail.  There is always a remnant, but the remnant will never abandon the truth of the Gospel.  Many who profess to be wise will be found foolish the word says; did Jesus not tell us about the wise and foolish virgins?  Jesus commends the church He loves, in Rev 3:7- 13 and declares they have little dunamis, few miracles.  A wicked and perverse generation seeks after a sign.
 Isa 8:20 To the Torah and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

If the foundation and revelation of a prophecy is not rooted in the Torah or the New Covenant, then it is of darkness.  We are running out of time to awaken.  In the end are you willing to risk eternity for spiritual thrill seeking?  Yahweh is Holy, and this synagogue of Satan has mocked Him and the Holy Spirit.  You who follow them have you allowed them to discount the Cross of Christ, trivialize it and make it only the gateway to bigger and better things?  Is the focus on gifts and miracles and not on Fruits of the Spirit that will last? 

Flee the abominable houses for judgment is coming, hear the Spirit of God calling you to repent and seek the truth…this is Laodicea!  You think you have wealth, you have everything you need…YOU HAVE GIFTS!  Love for God is obedience to His Word.  Believe and you shall be saved, but what have you believed?  That you can have the Spirit of Grace without true faith and repentance?  Repentance is turning to Christ, not an experience, not a pastor, not a church.  Turning to Him, forsaking your way, your sinfulness, acknowledging your desperate state knowing He alone can save you because of His Blood shed for your sins.  There is no universal salvation; there are not many roads to, or many World names for the One True God.   

Many will say to Him on that day “Lord, Lord…didn’t we prophesy in Your name, cast out demons in Your name and do many great works in Your name….they think they have claim because of gifts and manifestations, but He does not know them, they are workers of iniquity to Him. 

God does not care if you are happy, wealthy or successful in the ways of this world.  His Kingdom is not of this world.  He cares if we are saved; He cares if we are using our salvation to bring others into the safety that is Christ Jesus.  Our reward and Kingdom is after the judgment of this world.  What we have here should only be tools to survive and get the Gospel preached so some may be saved! 

Jesus Christ alone, by Faith alone, by Grace alone; we who believe, the seed of Adam, the seed of Abraham are saved from our sins and kept by grace.  He will never allow His own to fall, the elect will not be deceived unto apostasy but if you have not the Spirit of Christ, you are not His and you will believe the lie that is at the door!  You will take the mark, for your name is not written in the Book of Life!  Turn now!  Why do you think you are reading this, if you are in one of these “ministries” God Himself is reaching out to you.  Do not be deceived by what appears to be good things, good works even of compassion; DOCTRINE, DOCTRINE, DOCTRINE.  Does your church post its beliefs on their website?  Many do not.  And if they do and it seems doctrinally correct, are they really preaching and practicing what is posted?  Do you know what they profess to believe?  AWAKE! 

Soon it will be too late, the Word is the anchor, and the foundation of Truth…only in the Word will you find the help you need. Yahweh is faithful; if you cry out with your whole heart “Show me the truth”….He will show you in the Word, not by a spirit messenger, in the WORD.  If you know these things already and have separated yourselves from it, please use this writing to reach out to others who are in danger of everlasting punishment.   

I weep and pray for you all that this may save some, please heed the warning, do not let pride and arrogance keep you from seeking the truth, do not be deceived; what you sow, you will reap.  I pray the mercy and grace of Yahweh Yeshua will find each one who is trapped in deception. 

Shalom in Yeshua, our Lord God, Saviour and soon coming King of Kings.


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