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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Kingdom Divided

We are in a desperate time. There is a heavy fog of divisiveness hanging over our nation; it is creating a racial tension that extends throughout our cities that had been intentionally seeded; one we have not seen for some years.  It is creating division even in the church, as racial and cultural bias aligns with political parties.

I resent when Ministers assert their influence on constituents using the Bible to support a candidate.  Neither candidate is a Biblical Christian, why are we using the scriptures to validate programs and platforms.  They are not purporting to be driven by Christian “values” or ethics.  How dare we use the Words of Jesus to validate or endorse a candidate who opposes the very truth of the Gospel?

Let me discuss the Christian Right first.  There is a growing far right conservative movement based on a new theology.  The Conservative Tea Party found friends in the Kingdom Now, Dominion Theology….movement. 

This political agenda that is formed by Dominionism is a rapidly growing movement that is gobbling up Evangelical/Charismatic mega churches and smaller communities with a social gospel of prosperity, health, power and DOMINION; not spiritual victory in Christ Jesus our Savior and Lord, World Domination!

So, the far right with their own delusion are vying for power and opposing the Liberals.  The problem is a more moderate, center right conservative that does not have a “Kingdom” agenda, cannot in good conscience throw in with them.  Therefore, the conservative platform is at odds and thus divided.  This far right group is so radical, that it causes difficulty for conservative candidates and the Republican Party. Not everyone is aware of their hidden agenda to move toward theonomy.  So conservatives are divided amongst themselves.

Liberal, or Christian Left are operating on such an emotional level, that it has become about racism; accusations of racism among ministers who formerly have enjoyed fellowship and peace; platforms about poverty and healthcare appeal to the traditional underdog stance, but they are not seeing it for what it really is.  When their mothers and grandfathers cannot receive treatment, but comfort care only because they are too old, left to die because they are not useful to society, it will be too late. The problem is, they are so pre-programed to accept anything promoted by the Democratic Party, that they fail to hear with their ears and see with their eyes.  Let’s look at the tip of the iceberg…

Liberal Pastors blindly support the Democratic platform passionately accusing the Conservatives of making everything about two issues, Homosexuality and Abortion. When Pastors can uphold lawlessness and defend these actions by calling our Constitution and or Flag an object of idolatrous worship and Patriots who are greatly concerned about preserving our freedom for the next generation Idolaters, I fear they will awaken to find themselves in the hangover of the Great Delusion and that they are culpable for giving our enemies the leverage they need.

The apostasy has been carefully planned to coincide with this transitioning of our Nation, preparing the “church” and the people to accept ecumenism, tolerance, even mentally conditioning them toward one world religion and government.  The reason it is successful is they have told them the Bible is not literal, there is no Tribulation, no Antichrist, no soon return of the Lord to rule, they will rule instead and conquer the World for Christ.  The Great Delusion has begun to lay a foundation.

A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.  The enemy had come into the Church and divided the Holy Community.  Jesus prayed that we would be one.  If we allowed our hearts to be guided by love and truth, instead of being ruled by unforgivness, bitterness, anger from past generations, much of which never affected us or even our parents and the desire to find a political “savior”, we could all stand as one voice and be heard for we would be the voice of a multitude.  We could stand together against tyranny, oppression and wickedness.

When Satan causes the people of God to see one another as the enemy, we are busy attacking each other and no one is on the Wall…he comes right in.  The Church has truly been sleeping just as Jesus said it would, for the most visible and influential part has been corrupted and infiltrated with a false Gospel that like leaven is growing and taking over.

Religious Far Right are Dominionists;

Romney is a Mormon with a Mormon eschatological agenda;

Obama is not Christian, which is plain enough to see;

Christian Left are deluded into believing an answer to prayer has come that will deliver equality and provide all the answers, what they are actually getting is socialism;

Conservative Center, few who see the whole mess that are now reduced in number because of division and are not effective enough or great enough in number.

Divide and conquer - Rev 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

God have mercy on us, God forgive us our sins as a Nation and show us mercy.  We have committed the sins prophesied in the Torah, that when we would come into the good land and prosper, that in our prosperity, we would forget our Creator.  Lord our God, remember Abraham when he asked for mercy if there be 5o righteous, and all the way down to 10.  Do not sweep away the righteous with the wicked…Deliver us O God from the evils of Islam, Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Totalitarianism.  Deliver us O, Our God, from personal tyranny and treachery

Protect us O, Our God from our enemies that would use our moment of weakness against us to rule over us.  I pray for those who name the Name above all Names to come to their senses before it is too late, before the Devil uses the House of God to rise to World Domination.  May God have mercy on us all.

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