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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We live in a world that has a mantra of tolerance.  We are to be tolerant of other cultures; other sociopolitical positions; tolerant of religious differences …respecting each person’s choices no matter how offensive or contrary to our own belief’s they may be. Unless of course the culture and religion are Christian; as Christians we are ostracized for being “intolerant,"  for we insist we have the only true faith.  So let us examine this intolerant Christian Faith and see why the World is justified in its opposing it. Let us begin with the very words of the Master Himself, Jesus said: “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household.’ Mat 10:34 -36

Messiah Yeshua did not bring peace on the earth…He brought peace with God.  When a person receives Jesus Christ as their Savior, they are removed from the realm of darkness and translated to God’s Kingdom which is Light!  That means the realm or Kingdom of Darkness regards a Christian as a traitor…no longer a part, for the Christian can no longer join in with evil and be OK with it…the very presence of a believer in Jesus can bring conviction upon a person because of their testimony and life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

This immediately can set family members at odds with a new Christian making it very difficult to live in peace with non-believers.  Now some may say they are Christians and their family member has become radical…religiously obsessed; but you see, the difference is on that last day, Jesus is not going to know the lukewarm “Christian”.  It is the radicals He is coming for.  What the World calls radicals, God calls the Saints; people who are born again of His Holy Spirit. 

The Sword that Jesus brought was not made out of steel by man, but is called the Word of God, because like a double edged sword it can result in thepiercing right through to a separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” And if handled skillfully it can bring about a circumcised heart.

We are continually accused of not being tolerant toward Islam; let us look at the Sword of Islam. Likewise a Muslim family can face division if one person changes their faith; the difference is the sword that is used. Unlike the Sword of God’s Word, this one is made by man out of steel. And if you go against the teaching of Islam that sword does not bring you TO God, it takes your life from you through brutality, bloodshed and intolerance.  Islam does not tolerate any other religion, but we are to tolerate Islam.

There is a family in Norway in the news right now; they are a Christian family who has five children.  The state has taken the children away from these parents, because they believe they are “Indoctrinating” them to be “Radical Christians”.  http://tinyurl.com/jyrwvl2 . 

What is a radical Christian anyway?  Jesus said: the greatest commandment was tolove Adonai your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’   The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”  Jesus also said: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’  But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ taught:   “ Never take your own revenge, loved ones, but give room for God’s wrath—for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay,” says Adonai.  Rather, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. For by doing so you will heap coals of fire upon his head.”  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Here, the intent is to shame that person that they might repent of their evil way.

What about a radical Muslim familyhow might they raise their children? https://youtu.be/emcjcqLoBn8 this little child is learning how to behead his teddy bear!!! (this video must be seen, this is radical indoctrination of children) There is no agency on the planet that would dream of taking these children away from their parents!

Last year the National Cathedral (Episcopalian) was opened up for Muslim prayer; a Christian woman came to declare that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died on that cross (pointing to it) to save us from our sins…she was objecting to non-Christian prayer being held in a place sanctified for the Worship of the One True God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in the context of the New Covenant.  She (a Christian) was forcibly removed from a Christian Church to make way for Muslims who teach Jesus is not the Son of God and Christians are to be killed.   http://www.christianpost.com/news/woman-who-proclaimed-jesus-during-islamic-prayer-service-at-national-cathedral-i-love-muslims-129782/

I would like to make clear there is a defection from Christianity.  The Bible refers to it as the falling away.  This must happen before the Lord comes, and it is.    From Rick Warren and Chris-lam to the Pope and Interfaith prayer and statements that imply the God of the Christian Bible is the same as the God of Islam, we see people leaving right doctrine and running headlong into a One World Religion where everything and everyone is acceptable to God apart from Jesus Christ.  https://youtu.be/1-9PNvcqoB0.

 This last article came out this week about a college professor at Wheaton College donning a hijab as a statement of solidarity with Muslims. "Larycia Hawkins, a political science professor at the Wheaton Illinois, evangelical higher education institution, explained on her Facebook page that she will be wearing a hijab to work, class and church.   Hawkins, who has been on the Wheaton faculty since 2007, further asserted that not only are Muslims her neighbors, but  they also "worship the same God." http//www.christianpost.com/news/wheaton-college-prof-to-wear-hijab-during-advent-to-show-solidarity-with-muslims-152329/
(Please read this link a-nd all the others above.  They are short enough but very important for you to see).  

This is happening because of a lack of sound doctrine; heresies are tolerated in the church; un-Biblical spiritual experiences and practices supersede clear Bible teaching.  Eternity is promised to many, many people in the churches that Christ Himself does not know.  Matt 7:22, 23; Matt 25:12
 An ISIS Sharia judge has issued a chilling fatwa, or religious legal ruling, which orders the killing of babies with Downs syndrome and other birth defects, according to a report by the Iraqi activist group Mosul Eye. The group posted on its Facebook page, that more than 38 children between the ages of one week and three months have already been killed by lethal injection or suffocation. The ruling was issued by the ISIS Sharia board, and specifically by a Saudi Sharia judge named Abu Said Aljazrawi. The fatwa authorizes ISIS members to “kill newborn babies with Down Syndrome and congenital deformities and disabled children”, according to the report.http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/56282/in-latest-genocidal-move-isis-issues-fatwa-ordering-murder-of-disabled-babies-middle-east/#5Ya98WE9ZLxWOkDh.99
My wonderment is complete in this; all of you who say you are followers of Christ and yet are sympathetic and supportive, even affirming to Islam, can you not see? can you not read for yourselves their own laws and teachings out     of their “holy” book?  In truth you are deceived if you can support this and believe you belong to Jesus Christ.  Soon everyone will know when He comes to the threshing floor to winnow the wheat…we will see who are wheat and who are the chaff.

Here is the crux of it; yes, true Christianity maintains that there is no salvation outside of Faith in Jesus Christ. However, Christians do not impose this belief on anyone; it is something that each individual must choose.  God sets the pattern from the beginning in the Garden of Eden; there are two trees, one good one evil…choose!  In the Torah, the curses are read from one mountain, the blessings from another …here is life and death, God counsels, choose life!  Jesus called us to witness of the Truth that people may choose.  He did not chase people down, nor did He threaten.  Jesus did tell us all plainly that hell was real, but there is a way out of that destination through Him…but you must choose.  So you get to not choose Him; that is your choice.  You can live out the rest of your days and prosper and do as you please, believe as you like…But Jesus is still the Truth, whether you believe it or not.  If I am to stay faithful to Christ, and Islam demands my conversion I am deprived of my life because there is no choice; convert or die.

I pray first for the lost who are in the church; for these are in the worst possible predicament. To be lost and in the church means you are deceived and deluded into believing that you are just fine and it doesn’t matter what you believe, it is enough or what you do is enough or nothing matters because the whole world will be saved whether you believe or don’t;  love or don’t; follow Christ or don’t.  You all are to be most pitied and I pray that the Mercy of our Father in Heaven will send laborers to you that you will listen to before it is too late, time is almost up.  Shalom, shalom.

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