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Sunday, November 15, 2015


I love autumn….it seems to be the foundation of my life rhythm.  Without realizing it, even from childhood my year began in September… coinciding with the start of the new school year…
As an adult Messianic believer, my year still begins in September with Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah.  God must have built HIS time clock inside of me.  Before the Exodus, the Biblical year began in the month of Tishrei which corresponds to September, today it is still the beginning of the civil year when the date actually changes.
It is believed that Yom Teruah is also the Birthday of the Word/Adam…perhaps even more is beneath this season with a beauty all its own. 
I enjoy every stage of autumn, the turning of leaves and the hunt for pumpkins as we drive down the road…most of all it is the fragrance that is uniquely fall; that musty-damp smell leaves give off especially after a rain…don’t forget the smoky smell of burning piles of  leaves. 
In past years I have noted the colors; so brilliant are the reds, golds and orange…it looks like God painted them with fire…this year I began to see something else.   We call it the “fall” season, a time when lively things we loved all summer, the flowers, our vegetable gardens…the trees …begin to fade and die. All the life and beauty and fruitfulness are now ended and ending…
The trees that are wonderfully dressed in glorious garments of green leaves and fruit have changed the color of life for a color of fire…appearing to be consumed.
Then the trees begin to shed their leaves, they are left bare-naked if you will and a pall of death comes upon them….and there is no sign of life…
Our Creator sends a blanket of snow, a purifying of sorts to cover them in this dead state; almost sorrowful in appearance, these skeletal towers that were once so alive.
It is interesting that many times in scripture men are likened to trees.  From the Garden of Eden to even the New Covenant…what is our Lord trying to teach us?  Is the autumn the season of the “fall” of man?  Is this season a reminder to us that no matter how alive you may appear to be, death will come as it did to them? 
Ishah, the woman mistakenly believed that death would be instant; when beguiled she reached out her hand and did not die, she thought the serpents lie was true, “ye shall not surely die”…but even the serpent understood the words of YHVH Elohim...if you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…surely ye shall die or dying you will die.  The process of death would come and ultimately overtake them.  Just like the trees begin to show signs of dying leaves…until there is nothing appearing to be alive, the first parents were left naked and bare before the Creator.
The winter takes some trees away and they do not return…others seem to be only ‘asleep’ until life comes into them again.   Not all of mankind will be resurrected to eternal life one day…some will never see or taste life again but will be left to the burning, an eternal state of death.
When a tree is dead, it must be cut down.
Mat 3:10 and now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

But God gave even the trees hope…hope for new birth and redemption.  
 Rom 8:20  For the creation was subjected to futility—not willingly but because of the One who subjected it—in hope 21  that the creation itself also will be set free from bondage to decay into the glorious freedom of the children of God. 22  For we know that the whole creation groans together and suffers birth pains until now— 23  and not only creation, but even ourselves. We ourselves, who have the first-fruits of the Holy Spirit, groan inwardly as we eagerly wait for adoption—the redemption of our body. 

  As the snows of winter begin to give way to warming temperatures of early spring and the sun grows stronger, the hope of new life breaks forth with buds on the trees, again they spring forth and are clothed in their glory once more; once more alive and fruitful, arms uplifted in praise to our God for His goodness and faithfulness…for He promised.
Gen 8:22 ...while all the days of the land remain, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will not cease.”

Messiah Yeshua made a promise to all people who would believe in Him; to trust Him to save them from their sins, to secure eternal life for them…
John 11:25 Yeshua said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life! Whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die... 

So as we are taking in this season and preparing for the cold of winter, enjoying the beauty that comes with the fall, may we remember as we gather with loved ones over the holidays that will bring this year to an end...like the trees we too will fade and lose the glory of this life and one day return to the earth to await the “Spring.

Share Messiah Yeshua with those you love who do not know Him.  For if you have trusted Yeshua/Jesus and have received eternal life, then you know you will be revived and live with Him forever.

 Don’t let your loved ones be cut down and cast into the fire without trying to reach them with the Gospel of Grace; the amazing love of God in giving us His only begotten Son who paid the cost for our sins and set us free forever.  Now we can boldly and freely come to the Father through His Son Yeshua without fear, without judgment or condemnation.

Praise God
 from whom all blessings flow!  
 May the Lord bless you and keep you…Until next time...shalom beloved.

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