Isa 58:1 Cry aloud,
do not spare, lift up your voice like a ram's horn, and show My people their
rebellion, and the house of Jacob their sins.
Tonight I cannot greet the reader with “Shalom Beloved”. My writing is not addressed to the beloved in
Christ at this time, but to the “church” that has sold out. I can no longer remain silent. I have
had all false doctrine I can stand.
I was searching for a Christian -family film and found a movie called
“Anything is Possible”. At first it
started out like most low budget Christian films, but a little way into it I
found myself looking for some indication that it was indeed “Christian”. It was not.
The story is about a military family and the mom is called up to go to
Japan after the earthquake for a search and rescue mission. The child is somewhat special needs, but that
is kind of downplayed. The mom comes up
missing and presumed dead. It is
revealed that the child was hers, but not her husbands…he married her after her
child was born but they never told him that he was not his real dad. Unfortunately the “dad” had no real legal
claim since he never officially adopted the boy.
Long story short, the child ends up in an orphanage temporarily while the dad petitions the
court. In the meantime, the child
refused to consider his mother dead and says she is only MIA. But something
miraculous happens as he sits down at a piano; he already has some knowledge of
how to play, but suddenly his skill is concert level. Clearly
he is a savant. The orphanage is in
need of a financial miracle and decides to use his mysterious talent to raise
money with a benefit concert.
Now here it comes…before the concert this ten year old child tells his
dad he cannot feel his mom anymore
and asks him if he will ever see her again, sadly the dad answers no. The child now full of despair needs a pep
talk and a reminder that “all things are possible”…
The child goes on stage and dedicates the song to his mother and plays
like a professional pianist for the whole evening. For his closing he sings a song, (apparently he
can now sing as well), the lyric goes something like this: “If you believe in yourself, anything is
They drive home after the concert and miraculously the wounded mother
comes out of their house to greet them and they are tearfully reunited. Nice movie, full of hope, good
and kind people, love, FAITH, and even the words
of Jesus, well kind of…partially…but oh yeah, no God. Yes, that’s right... good… without God. But notice, when dad thought mom was dead, he
told her child he would never see her
again, no hope, not eternity…how tragic.
Pastor Mega-church, who has not the courage to take a stand when
directly asked if Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation; who is not willing to
speak the truth but fabricates philosophies; who reduces the Gospel to one of many fairy tales the world has
to offer…you have helped this to happen.
Dominionists, Latter Rain, Manifest Sons, Re-constructionist, NAR…you
have so many aliases I have to cut it off here or we would need a whole page;
you who preach your lies of Universal-ism and world Domination; social reform, you
have helped this to happen…for you allude to a Christianized world with your
social gospel, which is no gospel.
A social gospel that conquers seven spheres of influence in society that
takes over seven mountains of society, are you all out of your minds? Your social gospel that reforms the world has
promoted godlessness; goodness without God; or should I say you have become god makers since you believe you are
“gods”, but you left out the One True and Living God as you deify man! It makes me sick to my stomach to see the
abuses of God’s word.
When are you going to wake up foolish church and see that your aberrant
teaching is going to get you a closed door in your face…will it take another
Babylonian captivity to wake you when suddenly you come to grips with the
reality of all the lying prophets, as in Jeremiah’s day that told you everything
was going to be just fine and you are going to take the world for Christ!? Christ does not want this world, all He wanted
was souls. His Kingdom is not of this
world. Constantine already tried
Christianizing pagan idols…doesn’t work.
I attended a ministry conference that was in our city…these poor
people. They stood there listening to
prophecy that I have heard almost word for word given over and over for the
last ten years; even promising a child of 12 when she is ready for college, God is going to give her a full scholarship and special gifts and blessings along the
way…everyone erupts in screams and shouts of joy…
Our planet is dying; the Pacific
Ocean is dying and cannot be healed because of Fukashima. Whole species are being wiped out; mass animal deaths have been happening since
2011; ISIS has declared the long awaited Caliphate, do you realize it the rise
of the second Beast? Do you care? Israel
is on the brink of Psalm 83 war, the rest of the world is at war or threatening
it; Islam is growing bolder, more
aggressive and stronger seeming by the day; and our economy along with the rest
of the world is on the brink of collapse… a
scholarship to college in 6 years, really?!
What planet are you all living on?
The New Caliph, al-Baghdadi
said the Islamic state was a land for all Muslims regardless of nationality,
telling them it “will return your
dignity, might, rights and leadership.” “It is a state where the Arab and non-Arab, the white man and black man, the
easterner and westerner are all brothers," he said, trying to broaden his
base beyond the Middle East. "Muslims, rush to your state. Yes, it is your
state. Rush, because Syria is not for the Syrians, and Iraq is not for the
Iraqis. The Earth is Allah's."
1Co 10:26 For the earth is Yahweh’s, and the
fullness thereof.
We have lost this world, God is bringing this to a close and Christ Jesus
is ready to step back into time to set things right and heal this planet for
His Kingdom; not to establish a refurbished satanic kingdom. Wake up while you still can. You false preachers and teachers, money
lovers who traffick in men souls, repent and do what is right in the sight of a
Holy God and speak the whole truth
at all cost so that the people may be saved.
May God Almighty have mercy on us all.
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