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Friday, July 4, 2014


Shalom Beloved,

I have been relatively speechless.  I am gripped with astonishment!  That is a word I would never normally use, but I believe it is a word the Holy Spirit gave to me.  Today I would like to take a minute if you would bear with me, and share my journey into astonishment.

The mercies of God were granted to me when I was 34 and Yeshua my Lord reached down into my ignorance and complacency and saved me.  I left the Catholic Church almost immediately and found myself in a growing, "Family Friendly" Church that was newly planted for only 2 or 3 years.  At first I was like a child on Christmas morning, all wide-eyed and full of joy and wonder.  But little by little my naiveté began to wear thin as confusion set in on account of what I was witnessing in my super-church and what I was reading in the Bible...I was conflicted and did not understand how the two seemingly different experiences were to mesh together.  I was under terrible spiritual attack, and this church was supposed to be full a wise, loving and mature believers...but no one was able to help me...and the help that was offered only made things worse.

I had a Pastor that wanted to preserve an image for the Church that would make it more marketable.  I was such a young believer and had no real background in the Bible, everything was new and overwhelming to me...the enemy was much stronger than I had ever imagined, at least it seemed so to me at the time.  The Pastor did not like problem people like me, so he preached a message entitled  "Fruits and Flakes."   It was supposed to be light hearted, even humorous, talking about dealing with the people in our lives we really don't like to be around.  The problem was, I knew it was directed at people like myself who were suffering, and I did not see the humor.

I say all that to say this, after six years of staying loyal to this community, watching deceptions, manipulations, hurt and misuse of scripture and a concern for only numbers and dollars, I left.  Those were formative years in my walk and it felt like coming from a broken home.  Within a few years of leaving I had a dream.  In the dream I returned to visit my old congregation.

 I walked into a busy foyer in the dream and saw tables along the walls selling tickets for events like a Rib Burn-off...I came into the sanctuary and the Pastor saw me and waived for me to come to the front row.  He acted like we were old friends, I was perplexed to say the least.  The stage was right before me, and the room was packed.  The Pastor came out and announced, Heeeres the Show Folks!!!

He gestured to the back of the room where there was a second stage, everyone turned around, the curtain opened and an Ice Show began!  I stood up, and without realizing, I made my way up the aisle and up onto the stage, I was in utter ASTONISHMENT!  suddenly, the Pastor was in my face angrily shouting "What are you doing here?!"  End of dream.

I believe the dream was a synopsis of the next stage of my spiritual life.  I was to walk through many experiences in many different ministries around the country as an observer. Sort of an "eye" of God.  This is a phrase the Lord used for me once, but it has taken a long time to understand.  I was first called to be a Watchman, but I didn't know what I was watching for...we must have our eyes open and see and hear what God is showing us sot we can "Cry aloud and spare not!"

I am now in the home stretch of my 20th year of walking with my lovely Lord Yeshua, who has been so gracious, patient and loving toward me; and in all those years He has allowed me to witness things I wish I never saw.  I so wanted the Protestant Church to be the faithful remnant with such a rich heritage founded on the Blood of Christ, confirmed by the blood of saints and martyrs, right doctrine, striving to live for Him and show the World a better way...but it is not like that by a long shot.  I was born into the end of the Church age.  I have a son in his early twenties who also is feeling somewhat robbed.  He mourns the loss of the America his father and I grew up in even his grandparents era, the loss of a true church family experience that was a genuine community of people loving God, each other and their country.  He grieves that he may never have a family of his own and grow old with his grandchildren around him....I feel the same about the Church.

Messiah's words ring in my ears and heart and He carefully warned this generation of the things that would come.  He reaffirmed His warnings through the writers of the New Covenant telling us of the deceptions and lying signs and wonders, wolves in sheep's clothing, those who would exploit and slaughter the sheep for gain.  But we, as a generation have not heeded the voice of warning that was sent so far ahead for us.  How dare we condemn the Jewish people of Jesus day for not recognizing their Messiah, they had the prophecies, how could they miss Him?!  We are doing the same thing.

I have written about these things before, but I must continue to cry out, I pray someone will hear...
I have been sitting here, still and speechless as I see the silent devastation of God's House.  I causes me to recall the Passover in Egypt.  Where the blood of the Lamb was applied to the house, the death angel that swept down upon the land was not able to enter.  That spirit of death and destruction has descended upon our land, and every house, every Church that does not have the Blood of Lamb covering it is susceptible to the spirit of death, a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit that has come to seduce the many away from Christ. 

In the same way that arsenic works, little by little, undetected until it is absolutely lethal and there is no remedy, no going back, deceptive doctrines delivered by friendly, smiling, seemingly sincere people who talk about love and Jesus are fed to the sheep by spoonful's.  First they take away the holiness of God and make Him casual, come as you are...God is every one's buddy. He doesn't mind that you come in the least of what you own...respect we would give to a dignitary on the earth is not given to our Creator!  Casual Christianity removes the Fear of the Lord.

Then we preach another Gospel, which is no gospel...no Cross, no Blood, no sin...just Dr. Jesus who will fix your problems and make you rich.  Then the sin of Satan, who wanted to be like God, we begin teaching we are "gods".   In the Book of Revelation we all know or should know about a star that would fall called Wormwood...meaning bitter.  But in the Torah, the wormwood refers to Idolatry.  What?! Idolatry in the Evangelical church?  Man is becoming the object of worship.  Our generation is worse than all, for they at least were ignorant and feared imagined gods they could not see... but we know man is not god nor will he ever be.  There is only one God-Man, Yeshua our Messiah.  There is no other mediator between man and God.

We have been seduced by men and women who say they come in the Name of Christ, they say "I am Christ" Jesus said...what are they saying?  I am "anointed"!  They are not declaring the Messiahship of Yeshua, listen..."I am anointed".   We are warned by these false teachers not to come against them, "touch not God's anointed".  It is a satanic trap my brother's and sister's.  This false movement is devouring the entire Church.  If you are born again and have the Spirit of Grace within you, God will keep you and show you the way out.  If you are deceived, believing everything they say, everything you feel and see and experience...you are in great danger!

Dominionism, Kingdom Now, Third Wave, Christian Reconstruction and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is the same spirit that conceived Catholicism; it is the Mother of Harlots, it is repackaged for a new generation who are ignorant of the past.  Revelation speaks of a Harlot Church on seven hills, which all Biblical scholars know is Rome/the Vatican.  This new movement boasts also of divine revelation that is new and outside of the Bible using a model of Seven Mountains.  It is leading everyone to the pit of hell

Two main vehicles are used to hook people into them, the first is false doctrine and evil practices as taught through Alpha Course. http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/alphacourse.htm  Please open the link and read through the articles, it is vital information that needs to be shared.

The next area is the downplay of the Holy Scriptures.  Teachers mock those, who like the Bereans search the scriptures to see if what is taught is true.  They set up the atmosphere for their false teaching by holding a Bible and with mirth offer a scripture to all of those who have to have a Bible verse to back everything up!  In the Dark Ages of Roman Catholic Apostasy, the enemy made sure the Bible was not available to the people.  It was forbidden!  Now it is being presented as legalism, not as important as the "spirit", but is it the Word of Truth, it is our only plumb line to know if something is truth or error...why else would the devil tell you put the Bible away.  They are teaching that Doctrine is evil, it causes division!  The new mantra is UNITY...doctrine will be sorted out when we get to heaven!!!  Without sound doctrine, they won't get to heaven!

2Ti 3:14 But continue in the things that you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from a babe you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
 The last area I want to mention, and by no means have I spoken of all the problems or heresy, only a few that are pressing on my mind, is music.  It is interesting in Babylon we see the use of music that caused all the people to bow down before Nebuchadnezzar's statue of gold.  Isaiah gives us a clue that Lucifer himself was connected to the Worship of God with instruments.  The blood line of Cain, the son of the wicked one made instruments.  A secular sticker proclaimed, "Music Defines Society".

Few of us would disagree that it is music that radically changed the moral base and landscape of American society.  For the last 60 years we have been on a slippery slope of depravity that has been ushered in, reinforced and promoted by music.  It is a very strong weapon of the enemy, and he has not spared the church from it. We must never think that Satan will come in a blatantly evil form. He masquerades as an angel of light.  His music speaks of love and peace and joy and freedom.  He sings about chains falling off and people being set free...the set up for "ministry' and the laying on of hands so the power can deliver people.  But Jesus said, you shall know the Truth! and the Truth shall make you free...who is the Truth?  Therefore, if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed...the Truth is the Son! 

We are quoted the verse that speaks of the anointing that breaks the yoke...it is used to indicated the power of the Holy Spirit in deliverance, again rendering the Holy Spirit as a substance.  When in fact it is misapplied.  The word in Hebrew is shemen, which actually means "oil" or fat not the same root as the Word Mashiach or the Anointed. In context, it was the Assyrian oppressor who would corrupt his own way by luxurious living, fatness.  Scholars do not agree on how to understand this verse, but spiritually applied, it points to the anointed Messiah, Yeshua, would break the yoke of our bondage to sin and the oppressor Satan.

I had a second dream about sound.  Several years ago "prophets" began spreading a word about a "new sound" coming.   In my dream I began to drive across a large bridge, a rushing river came up from behind and caught up my car on the bridge,  above me was another higher bridge and someone was standing on it sounding a shofar; on the pedestrian walk of my bridge was a man walking and sounding a conch shell, making a similar sound...but I knew it was counterfeit, because a conch shell is unclean...we have the Holy Spirit being poured out in this hour for salvation, for the Lord is nearer than ever.  But the sound announcing His coming, the higher voice of sound doctrine and true worship is countered with a counterfeit earthly sound of sensual worship that lures people away.

The church is not questioning the theology behind songs in church or even on the radio, as long as it speaks of good things and maybe, occasionally mentions "Jesus".  The music is a set up for the false message.  Please, please, test EVERYTHING! 

Lastly, please go to Global Sphere's website and look at who are members of the NAR.  It is unthinkable to me so see many who at one time appeared to adhere to Biblical and sound doctrine led astray by this aberrant teaching and movement who teach believers are "little gods".




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