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Monday, November 25, 2013

Yeshua Is At the Doors!

Word of the Lord given November 1, 2013
My people, do you not understand the hour is late?  Gather yourselves together in closed doors and pray and fast for those who will not listen.  God knows who are His, but some will come only after prayer and fasting.

Will you cry aloud for souls too lost to pray for themselves? Cry for mercy, great mercy for time is short to witness to them.  God's strength is needed and He will do it in His time and will not delay.
Yeshua is coming to you, long awaited, but My people you are not prepared for His coming!  Why are there controversies among you?  Heal the breach and reach out to those in error...heal the breach and share the simplicity of Christ with them.

Shalom Beloved,

I have been watching and listening to other believers share what the Lord is speaking and revealing to the watchmen at this hour.  I believe Comet Ison is a very integral piece in discerning the time.  We are experiencing very unusual timings, like the joining of Chanukah with Thanksgiving, a phenomena that will never happen again.  Not only this, but add to it the perihelion of Comet Ison on the exact same day.

The Lord has taught me a key regarding His words  "as in the days of Noah".  The root or shoresh of Noach is nun-chet in the Hebrew letters  .נח 

  Noach means rest.  If you reverse those two letters, they spell chen   חנ or grace.  In the following verse we see the essentials needed to escape judgment....
Gen 6:8 But Noah (Nun-chet) found grace (chet-nun) in the eyes (Ayin) of the LORD.

The Hebrew year we are in is 5774.  Now ayin is very significant because the Hebrew decade we are currently in is the 70's or Ayin which means "the Eyes" of Yahweh. Hebrew letter Ayin has a numeric value of 70.  The current year is 74 or Ayin-dalet;, dalet means "door" and has a value of 4 which pertains to earth and all that is natural.

This decade of the "70's" is the prophetic 10 days of Awe.  The Feasts of the Lord are a blueprint for us to understand God's timing in the end of days.  The 10 days/years between Rosh Hashanah (Awakening) and the Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur (when the names to be written in the Lambs Book of life are all redeemed) are being fulfilled from fall of 2009-2019 (5770-5780). 

The parable of the 10 virgins is about judgment on the house of God.  The 10 virgins are ten last years of the church.  The alarm, or sound of the shofar pertains to Rosh Hashanah, the wake up...
Toward the middle of the ten, there begins to be a distinction between those who walk in Scriptural truth and have the Holy Spirit, and those who have a false gospel, and even the little bit of illumination that they had is being put out by the Apostasy, the great deception.  The deceived have been taught they can get what they need from other believers laying hands on them.  However, Yeshua Himself teaches us in Rev 3:18 to the church of Laodicea, they must come to Him and receive the eternal things that can be found no where else.  Five are wise, five are foolish...halfway through this ten year period there is a separation and judgment when the rapture of the wise, as with Noach, and the door is shut to the Marriage.  The others are left to Great Tribulation, weeping and gnashing of teeth.  There is another parable that speaks of the Master returning from the marriage and knocking...

Luk 12:36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.
Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

There is hope for those in the church that are left, for Messiah will come again to them and knock upon their hearts, for God wants that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Repentance is to turn from every sin, idol, self sufficiency, self effort unto Christ Jesus and trust HIM to save and believe HIS WORK on the Cross is enough to pay for your sins forever, if you will just humbly receive His GRACIOUS gift!

The righteous are not appointed to wrath...the wrath comes with the day of the Lord.  2015 could be a time to expect the Day of the Lord; God's Name, Yah  יהּ is equivalent to 15 (yod=10, hey = 5) 
2014 contains two blood moons, one at Passover and one at Sukkot...2015 also contains two blood moons on the same two days.  These events highlight these two years and mark the central division of the ten years. 

 All of the prophesies must be fulfilled before the generation is completed, Israel is 70 in the fall of 2017.  The same year Jerusalem with have it's first Jubilee (50 years) in the hands of the Jewish people.  

Now, remember I mentioned Noach and grace?  The same shoresh, or root appears in the name of Enoch.

H2585  chănôk/Enoch  חנוך
From H2596; initiated/disciple; Chanok, an antediluvian patriarch: -
Heb 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
 Chet-nun...Enoch means "disciple" or narrow.  Enoch was raptured.  Here is the last piece, Chanukah - again the Chet-nun.  Chanukah means dedication, the Festival of Light is about the dedication of the temple once it was cleansed,  by an act of FAITH, the Light was lit and stayed lit by the power of God.  In the parable of the Virgins, the ones with enough oil refers to Chanukah, the lamps did not go out, Faith through grace.  Those who did not have oil or light, did not have true faith.

There is a mystery being revealed in Isaiah 60:
Isa 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
Isa 60:2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
The first darkness mentioned is:
   H2822 chôshek    חשׁך
 From H2821; the dark; hence (literally) darkness; figuratively misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness: - dark (-ness), night, obscurity.
The second darkeness is:
H6205   ar-aw-fel  'ערפל
 Probably from H6201; gloom (as of a lowering sky): - (gross, thick) dark (cloud, -ness).

Chanukah takes place at the time of year when we are in the most darkness, least amount of daylight.  Comet Ison is coming this week together with Chanukah and Thanksgiving all on the same day, and will rendezvous with the sun.  If it survives, we may find ourselves with great difficulties as a result of CME's (solar flares) and or the debris in the tail.  Electo-magnetic pulse is possible, (EMP's) where we could lose the entire power grid, worse case scenario.  BUT, this could be the brightest "star" we have seen since the star of Bethlehem.  That star heralded the King had come...this one may be heralding His return.
H380 אישׁון
'ı̂yshôn    ISON
1) pupil of the eye
2) middle of the night (that is the deepest blackness)

Psalm 17:8  Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings...
When we take our shoresh of chet-nun we learn what it takes to be counted worthy to escape the things that are coming on the world and to stand before the Son of Man....
As with Noach and Enoch,  we must find REST from our works; GRACE in the Eyes of  Yahweh through trust in the finished work of Yeshua our Messiah, Jesus Christ!  Then we shall become His disciple for we have believed on Him and are saved and the evidence of that salvation is LOVE.  Our bodies are then DEDICATED to God, for we become a Temple of the Holy Spirit. 
Even as Noach escaped the judgment and God was so pleased He TOOK Enoch, so we who have believed and are saved will also enter into that rest, the promise of escape in this decade of judgment!

Examine yourself dear "Christian" to see if you have truly made the journey to the Cross of Jesus/Yeshua, have you counted yourself a sinner, fallen short of the glory of God?  Can you see the beautiful Saviour, who hung upon the cross, innocent lamb, slain for you and for all the world that all who believe on Him, the SON of the Living God; The Word made flesh; the Son of Man who bled and died for the sins of many asking only that you trust Him in return.  Surrender your false confidence; your dead works of self righteousness; your unbelief;  your pride and arrogance.  Come and offer your life to him, filthy rag that it is and He shall give you HIS life in return; the Royal apparel of Heaven, the purest most lovely covering.  And you shall be safe in Him forever, for He will save all who believe on Him to the Uttermost!  And nothing shall ever separate you from Him again! 

May we meet in the air...Maranatha!!!














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