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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

In, Not Of the World

The hour is late; many are asleep, spiritually drugged, duped, deceived or deluded.  Apostasy is not at the door, it has moved in, lock, stock and barrel.  It is not a matter of combatting the false teaching of heretical sects or neo-Christian churches.  Actually, they are far more honest; the pseudo churches like the Mormons, the Jehovah Witnesses or even Seventh Day Adventist openly display the error and proudly share their views which are plain to see in the light of scripture. 

The heresies we combat today have been subtly introduced into every church denomination and non-denominational, Pentecostal, and even Evangelical Churches. Did we really think that one day, the devil would throw wide the double doors of the church like the bandits of the old west at the local saloon and stroll in announcing “I’m takin over this here town/church”!   Oh, no, no, no.  See he is not a fool…contrary to what many may believe.  See, the Bible says a fool says in his heart, “there is no God”.  He knows very well who God is and he purposefully rebels while he yet may.   Now he may not be wise, for the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  But he is knowledgeable.

The enemy learns from God, he sees what God does and mimics’ it because it works.  Wherever we see the works of God the enemy is there to counterfeit it. But as another blogger pointed out, he only counterfeits what is valuable.  Who would counterfeit one dollar bills?  So if it is important to God, then for certain we can expect the enemy to get his hand in it somewhere.  Let me share a dream the Lord gave me, it was one of three that had a similar message:

I was driving over a high level bridge and suddenly a rush of water came from behind me and formed a river on the bridge.  I knew I could continue to drive the car or I could let the river carry me, I let go.  Then on my left was another bridge parallel with mine but higher.  There stood a person with a shofar blowing it over the side of the bridge as I passed by, it sounded like an announcement.  Then on my right side, I passed a man walking on the bridge sidewalk next to the river who was blowing a conch shell that sounded similar to the shofar.  But I knew immediately it was unclean and a counterfeit sound.

Keep in mind the river ran between the two sounds, the first was a higher call that was clean.  The lower, earthly sound was not clean.  For those who are disciples of Yeshua/Jesus and live their lives by His Word know the things we are seeing all around us in the world is a clear announcement that the time is nearing for us to look up and watch for the return of our Victorious King.   One of the signs is the church in apostasy.  On the other side of the river God is releasing in the earth to bring salvation in this critical hour, is a false message of Dominion and world conquest in the Name of Christ.  Sounds familiar, like that has been tried before?  Oh yes, it was called the crusades!  It didn’t work out too well; could it be that it was the exact opposite of what the Gospel teaches us? 

NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) Dominion Theology, Kingdom Now, Third Wave, Manifest Sons…many other names for the same movement all have the delusion that the church will grow into an entity of control in the earth, dominating every sphere of influence in society bringing peace and “righteousness” thus the extra-biblical revelation of the 7-Mountain Mandate!   People are being taught and prepared for a war where the saints will become violent if necessary to impose the righteousness of Christianity upon the world…of course, victory is assured.  However, in order to do that we need to remove the last several chapters from the Book of Revelation!

In reality, this Mandate or vision is being implemented, but not as the unsuspecting churchgoers ever dreamed.  Indeed, this movement is growing and beginning to take over and infiltrate politics, religion, entertainment, education, business, media, etc.  It is the groundwork for a One World Religion that is acceptable to all people, except those of us who are unmoved from the Bible as our authority; which makes us a problem. 

Have you ever been in the Home section of a department store and noticed wall art or towels, bathroom accessories that are termed “inspirational”?  You come close hoping to see something of God, perhaps a verse from Proverbs or the words of Jesus, or 1 Cor 13…instead we are treated to a counterfeit version the world offers; Live, Love, Laugh….Believe….Hope….Be the Change you want to see in the world…But I can walk away without being too disturbed because after all, it is the world!  I would be shocked if I saw something Holy out there.  But the space we count as sacred is growing smaller and smaller.  Our homes are a sanctuary for us to be separated from the world, but we invite the world in by listening to franchised Christian Radio stations that do not discriminate who their sponsors are or what songs are played.  They take songs from the world about love and don’t even really try to change the lyrics but a Christian artist records it and suddenly it is a Christian song. 

Christian Book stores were safe space at one time.  A refuge among the stores of the world where you could shop, hear music that glorified the Lord and even find another believer behind the counter who would pray with you or for you, or weep with you as you looked for a condolence card; where all the gift ware or wall art was engraved with scripture or the quote of a great Christian reformer.  Today, the Christian book store carries whatever sells.  It may have outright blasphemy within its pages, heresy at the least.  Art and gifts now carry the same worldly wisdom of man that I can find at Bed Bath and Beyond. 

The pulpits are increasingly coming under control of the teaching of purpose driven mega-pastors that have one agenda…a friendly, empty gospel that promotes another jesus, and filling the house of God with another spirit.  Indeed Dominionism is moving and growing, however it is not God’s move, but the counterfeit of the enemy.  Oddly enough the 7 – Mountain Mandate sounds identical to the Old Roman Catholic Agenda who just happens to be seated on 7 mountains and called Mystery Babylon the Great.  Rev 17:9

"Awake, sleeping ones! And arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light." Eph 5:14 Indeed, arise from among the dead body where the eagles gather.  Remember, they say eagles represent prophets, however what was Jesus warning us of?  Eagles do not gather in number and do not consume carrion (dead things)…could it be a warning for our day of false prophets claiming to be eagles when they are only vultures feeding on the flesh of the deceived as the serpent also does?


Pray for wisdom and understanding Saints, pray for a discerning heart and be willing to listen to it; praying for the Israel of God. Till He comes, shalom Beloved.



1 comment:

  1. Hello from Alabama! I also am not inspired in department stores when I see those Inspirational designs. I'm rather more nauseated!
