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Monday, November 5, 2012

Vote On Your Knees!


Shalom Beloved,

Today is the last day to make decisions; tomorrow the fate of our nation will be decided.  If we choose wrong, the greatest judgment this country has ever known will be brought upon this nation; remembering that God hears us when we pray; remembering that all God ever asks for is repentance.  If God was willing to turn destruction away from Nineveh, a godless city that hated and persecuted His people, if they repented, how much more for us

We need to vote today, on our knees.  We need to repent as Christians for being silent the last 12 years, for allowing ourselves to be fooled by politicians that claimed they were “born again” when clearly they were not.  We have left our reasoning behind and walked in a fog.  We have sat back and allowed the liberal agenda that destroys life by not voting in those who would protect it.  We have taken a stand of no stand.  We have become Pilgrims who believe we should not be political.  We should have been more like the Puritans who believed their voice mattered in the political arena.  I don’t necessarily agree that government should be run only by “Christians”, this is not a theocracy and we cannot confuse that.  But, the Bible tells us to pray for our governments and leaders that WE might enjoy peace in the land that we live. 

The church (I) has (have) failed to be obedient to the Word of God and pray fervently.  Sleep has overcome us and now we awaken to a potential disaster.  Is it too late?  If the remnant is now awake, and willing to do what is right, is that not repentance?  If we are not willing to make that mistake again and choose to be obedient, is that not repentance?  Perhaps God will turn our course and give us another chance.

Many scholars don’t see America in the last day’s prophecies of the Bible. Some think it is utterly destroyed, some think we are Babylon. I don’t believe America is Babylon.  Clearly Europe has that already in place.  http://youtu.be/zaR-YiLmgKQ  (Rape of Europe) However, I believe America is Ephraim.  In the Book of Hosea, God is so grieved with Ephraim for its rebellion and wickedness.  God is determined to destroy it for it is deserving.  But the heart of God breaks with love and compassion for this people and cannot do it.  So He disciplines and like a Father, who stands on the porch and calls out His sons name sternly to come home, the son who knows he is in trouble comes sheepishly home, humbled and obedient When our Father Roars like a Mighty Lion!

In Ezekiel, the prophet is told to join the stick marked Ephraim with the stick called Judah and make them one!  Could this be a prophetic picture of Ephraim/America  standing with Judah/Israel as one against the enemies of Democracy?  If we fail to stand with Israel, we will be counted as her enemy and go the way of her enemies as prophesied in the Bible…please remember that…Israel is key.  The Nation that upholds her will find favor with God.

I believe that God would be willing to give America another chance to do it right.  But it is not up to the heathen, brethren; it is up to the remnant to commit to pray and intercede; to be a voice of truth, reason and compassion. To get out and preach a true Gospel message that people may be saved. To stay awake and cry out for God’s guidance and to warn the people.

Who knows if God will relent and gives us hope for revival that brings salvation, not signs and wonders.  Today is the day to vote…get on your knees…make your choice and petition the King, Esther; it’s up to you!

Est 4:14 For if you are completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise to the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house shall be destroyed. And who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for a time like this?


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